Water Filter: Health Benefits You Should Have Known Before

 Water filters are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. They can improve your water quality and provide you with better-tasting, healthier water. Many people don't realize that there are many benefits to having a home water filtration system, other than just making sure your drinking supply is free of chemicals or pathogens. Here are some reasons why you should consider getting a home filter:

Increased Flow Rate

Water filters can improve your home's flow rate. A good water filter can increase the amount of water that flows through your faucet in a given amount of time, which means you use less to get the same results.

If you want to know how much your flow rate increases when you install a water filter, there are several ways to find out. One way is by testing how long it takes for one gallon of water to pass through your faucet before installing the filter and then after installing it.

If your new filter halves the amount of time it takes for a gallon of tap water to pass through, then you're getting an increased flow rate!

Increasing oxygen in the water

A water filter also increases the amount of oxygen in the water. This can be done by passing it through an air chamber, which will increase the presence of hydrogen peroxide in your drinking water. Hydrogen peroxide is a very effective disinfectant but isn't used regularly due to its unstable nature and its tendency to break down into oxygen and water over time.

When this happens, it becomes ineffective as a disinfectant, so having more hydrogen peroxide present in your drinking water means that it stays effective longer than if there was less present overall (which could happen if you didn't have any kind of filter or purifier).

The benefits go beyond just taste, though—the increased level of hydrogen peroxide means that chlorine will be made more effective when used in your filtered water!

Water filter

Preventing and reducing clogging

Sediments, minerals and other impurities can clog the pores of your filter. This will lead to a decrease in flow rate and water pressure. In turn, this means you'll have to replace or clean your filter more often than if you had used a high quality filter from the beginning.

A decrease in flow rate also means that sediment buildup inside pipes can cause blockages—which leads to maintenance costs being higher than they should be due to extra cleaning/repairing work being required.

Alkalinity Level Increase

Alkaline water has been shown to increase your alkalinity level, which is a good thing because an alkaline environment in your body helps prevent cancer and other diseases. You should know that the pH of blood is between 7.35 and 7.45, while healthy urine is between 6.5 and 8.0 on the pH scale (the lower end of this range means you have too many acidic compounds in your system).

One way to increase your overall health by drinking more water with a filter attached is by avoiding kidney stones: water filters can reduce dissolved solids such as calcium carbonate (found in limestone) from entering into our bodies through drinking water sources like wells or municipal systems—and these can form into kidney stones!

Protecting Against Pathogens

A water filter can protect you against pathogens, which are microorganisms that cause illness in humans. There are three kinds of pathogens: bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. These microscopic organisms live in the water supply and can make people sick if they drink the water. A good-quality filter will remove these harmful elements from your drinking supply.


Water filtration is the best way to ensure that you're getting the optimal amount of nutrients from your water source. Whether it's tap, bottled or even distilled water, having a filter will ensure that there are no toxic chemicals or heavy metals present in your body. Water filters also help to remove bacteria and other harmful organisms from our drinking supply as well as give us better flavour options when brewing coffee or tea.


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